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Event & Site Security

Lone Star Metal Detectors offers a wide range of services for your next public or private function. We offer the highest level of security options, which include: Security Personnel and Metal screening equipment. Our experienced Security Personnel through our parent company, Lone Star Protection & Security, LLC, has secured events for a wide variety of clients and have experience in providing services for many companies and organizations.


Lone Star Metal Detectors provide highly trained executive protection agents, corporate level officers, as well as uniformed security to protect facilities and personnel. Our officers are required to complete a specialized training program through our parent company, DFW Security Training, is one of the most extensive state licensed security training organizations that rivals and surpasses other security training companies. Our Training Division utilizes an organic teaching method that emphasizes a more practical hands on approach and tactical training methodologies.

We Offer Security For:

  • Government & Political Functions & Events
  • Large & Small Scale Production Events
  • Concerts, Entertainment Events, Premiers, Book Signings, etc.
  • Conferences, Trade Shows, and much more!

Event Security Services

Security Personal:

  • We provide a wide range of personnel, from corporate level officers including executive protection agents to uniform security to secure your event. All personnel are trained to provide outstanding customer service and protect the integrity of the event, its attendees, staff and assets.


Metal Detection & Walkthrough Screening Machines:

  • For events that require a higher level of security, we can provide you with walkthrough metal detector equipment, X-ray screening machines, and experienced screening staff to operate the equipment in a discreet, non-invasive and highly effective manner.

Looking for Security Rental & Service Information?